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John Cooper Dental was founded in February 2012 in Altenberge Westfalen. Based on many years of work and experience in the dental industry.

We are specialized in the production of high-quality dentures “Made in Germany”.
Our special focus is on navigated 3D implantology and the use of CAD/CAM technology. As well, we meet the requirements of modern dental technology in the best possible way.

With a team of specialists for the fields

  • Navigated implantology
  • CAD/CAM milled drilling templates
  • Planning of bone blocks

and the resultant high-quality prosthetic dentures, we achieve an optimal result for the patient and the practitioner.

Based on a determined care for our cases, the patient’s care is fully exploited and the collaboration with the dental practices is made more efficient.

We have also set standards in research and development for years.


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